Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stormy Sunday

Good Morning and Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers...but especially Kurtis' dad and my dad who we both miss very much.  We'd love to be with our families celebrating today, but instead, it is back to work with the last day of chemo!
Sportscenter is jabbering in the background as I update you from a dark room six this morning.  The machines are hooked up and the fluids are running.  As the days go by, Kurtis is feeling worse and worse.  We knew that this was going to happen, but that doesn't really make it any easier.  It's hard for him to go through all of this and difficult for me to watch him go through all of it.  However, this is about the time I arrived during the first round, so at least we know what exactly is coming. 

Today Kurtis will get the last bit of his chemo and he'll get his remaining stem cells on Wednesday.  His mom and sister will arrive on Wednesday and I know that he is really looking forward to seeing them.  Overall, he's mostly just tired and his appetite has taken a dive bomb - the chemo really makes his mouth taste weird and then he doesn't want to eat very much :(

It is super grey today.  As we drove into the city the skyline was popping out from the pink colored "sunrise" type was 8:15... instead of melting into a dirty white haze.  It's now around 9 and the clouds have settled in for the duration of the day.  Currently, the humidity is sitting around 90% and the day is supposed to be met with thunderstorms and possibly severe weather.  I grew up in Colorado Springs, so unlike Kurtis, I don't have a good perception of "severe weather".  The weather report mentions the word tornado and I have a mental freak out.  I'm trying to remain calm, but I'm not too fond of the idea of twisting winds falling from the sky. 

Other than all of that, nothing much is new here.  We'll see if Rory can hold on to win the US Open and watch the Rox later hoping they can continue their streak!

Sending love from the stormy midwest -


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