Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Morning with a side of thunderstorm

Good Morning!

Well, this morning I was woken up by someone's furry little face nudging mine... "mom, I need to go to the bathroom. PLEASE."  Chauncey knows who to wake up to take him out (me) and is too cute for me to ever deny him.  So, I stumbled around, still basically asleep, got him all hooked up into his harness and we headed outside for his morning sniff around and pee.  As soon as we stepped outside, there was a crack of thunder and I knew that the pup had about 88 seconds before the rain followed.  Miraculously, he found a place to pee, and we trotted around the building to the door.  Once we got inside, there were several other cracks and booms and then the rain started to fall in sheets.

It has been over an hour of sheet rain, and it is still coming down with force.  I'm not used to thunderstorms in the morning, so the whole weather 'activity' that is happening right now feels quite strange.  The weather (be it rain or lighting) has knocked out the TV signal, so Kurtis has hunkered back down into his bed, Chauncey has taken over "his" couch and I'm left, wide awake, to busy myself quietly - which I don't mind. 

Yesterday was quite lovely.  The temperatures were fairly mild again, and even though the humidity was back up (dang-it), the day was still more like "home" than a lot of our other days have been.  Kurtis and I decided to take a trip downtown, so around noon we headed down to the underground parking facility for White River State Park, and walked for awhile along the canal.  We then rented a paddle boat for an hour and paddled up and back about a mile down the canal.  Kurtis was able to paddle now and then, and I think the physical activity was probably good for him.  We saw a lot of baby ducks of various ages as well as a whole area of 'bachelor ducks'.  It was quite amusing to see about twenty male mallards in a line just watching the other duck families going by and quacking.  We worked up quite an appetite and then headed to lunch on the way home.

In my research of Indy - believe me, I've done a lot - I found out that there is a BBQ place called Judges' Tip of the Rib that has gotten rave reviews. So, seeing as it was near the hospital on Michigan, we gave it a try.  Kurtis had brisket with mac and cheese on the side while I had pulled pork and baked beans.  Everything was fabulous and we had the opportunity to speak with the owner who was really kind and wanted to make sure everything was perfect.  They must have a fairly consistent clientele as he knew right away that we were new. 

After that, we came home.  Kurtis was, of course, exhausted so he went to bed.  Chauncey and I went to other places in the hotel and Chaunce napped while I prepared for the US History class I'm teaching next year.  I'm pretty much out of control excited about teaching history again and bought a bunch of books the other day about the American Revolution (my class will focus on the colonies to the Constitution) and I have been reading the biggest one while making notes and creating things for my students along the way.  As soon as I start reading historical stuff, I'm pretty sure I start to drool and then get this insane desire to tell people all of these new facts I've learned.  I feel bad for Chels who had to live with me in college because of that. 

We had dinner consisting of baked potatoes (the toaster oven is awesome again!) and this great bacon/parmesan dip that comes from Target.  We also watched Master Chef and the Voice which has become our Tuesday routine.

Today will probably be pretty laid back.  The massive amounts of rain falling from the sky make any outside activities a no-go and Kurtis has a nurse coming to change the dressing on his catheter sometime in the afternoon.  Last time she came she was late like three separate times, so we're not expecting she'll be here in her two hour time window...haha.  Also, we want Kurtis to rest so that we can go to Louisville tomorrow.  We'd love to see the Louisville Slugger plant, so we'll just have to see how that goes.  If tomorrow doesn't work, we'll surely see a lot of stuff on the way home :)

I think that's all for now, although it seems like a lot.  Hopefully you enjoy reading about our time in this strange state and our "box."

Sending love -

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