Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!


Hope that everyone is having a good day! Our days in Indiana are numbered!

Kurtis' blood counts came in with good results on Sunday, so we were able to take today off.  Tomorrow we'll go in and meet with the doctors and hopefully get the okay to head on out of here!  Day by day, Kurtis feels better!  We're not sure what all is planned for tomorrow, but we're hoping that it won't take too long.

After the hospital tomorrow, it's time to pack the subaru up and ship some things home.  It will take us a few days to get home.  Our first stop will be to Michigan City, IN where we'll visit the Indiana Dunes.  If you look them up online, they look very cool.  They're right up next to Lake Michigan and we might be able to see Chicago's skyline across the the lake which would be neat.  It will be a nice one night celebration for this part of the adventure. 

Tonight the fireworks will be shooting off from downtown.  I doubt that we'll be able to see any from the hotel, but we're going to try.  If not, my grandparents sent us a bunch of pictures from the Rockies game the other night - so we'll just make our room dark and and play some music and go through those.  They're less scary for the dog anyway :)

We were able to go out for lunch today.  Our first thought was to hit up the Chipotle in Avon, but they were closed, so we went downtown to the Weber Grill for lunch.  We've got dinner and a half left over, but it was good.  One of our favorite "discoveries" here.  We spent the rest of the day watching a movie and planning our trip home!

I think that's all from Hoosier land for today -
Enjoy your holiday!


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